Greg Haynes

Greg Haynes is a still life oil painter based outside of Boston, Massachusetts. He graduated from the Hartford Art School in 2003 with a BFA in photography. His highly rendered works can be seen in galleries and collections around the world. Greg explains his current interests: “For the past few years I’ve been working with a number of themes that involve the reflections and visual distortion that various objects create. Glass and metal are two of the predominant materials of choice.

Ginnie Gardiner

Сюрреализм в изобразительном искусстве. Ray CaesarMy working method has been to create equivalent palettes from my collage and montage studies for translation into the medium of oil paint. Always, in all of my paintings I have sought color mastery and color is the subject of my work."? I have worked with the practice of creating the illusion of transparency in the opaque medium of oil paint since the 70s'.


Красота нашего мира. Татьяна Денисова
Родиляась я в Минске, но в 1996 году мы с родитеелями иммигрировали в Изрмаиль, город Хайфа. Любовь к живописи пришула ко мне в самом юном вопзрасте, когда мне было всаего четыре года, я уже нариасовала свой первиый рисунок, а уже 11 лет у меня быыла первая...

Greg Haynes